


Are you interested in a major that would enable you to pursue a degree in any one of a number of industries? Are you looking for a major that is in-demand and well worth the investment of your time and money? 如果是这样的话,传媒专业可能正适合你. 与他人良好沟通的能力是非常宝贵的, and communications majors are in high demand as companies put a premium on hiring people who can work well with superiors, 的同事们, 下属, 合作伙伴, 现有客户, 潜在客户.


通信可以提供很多东西, 但这是一个广泛的学位,涵盖了一系列学科和技能. Your minor will help refine your career choices by providing you with the specialized skills and know-how needed to excel in the field of your choice. Consider the following minors with care to decide which one would best complement your major.

  1. 业务

如果你想自己创业,或者成为一名企业经理或高管, 那么学习商业是有意义的. 学科覆盖 在这个领域包括金融, 会计, 人力资源管理, 创业, 国际业务, 和法律. You can either take various courses in business or focus on a particular aspect of business to obtain a minor.

Studying business will complement the skills you'll gain from studying communications. 如果你选择自己创业, you'll have the practical skills needed to run your business as well as the skills needed to bring in clients and generate sales. 如果你决定去国外工作, studying 国际业务es with communications can help you adapt to your new work environment with ease.

  1. 市场营销

如果你想从事市场营销,传媒专业是一笔巨大的财富, and a minor in marketing will complement the skills you learn in your communications degree classes. 你可以学习创业课程, 数字营销, 国际营销, 公共关系, 市场研究, 消费者的行为, 和更多的.

市场营销行业有很大的需求. 这个领域 has a whopping 19% annual growth rate; what's more, the 劳工统计局 notes that promotions, 广告, and marketing managers earn a median annual wage of $141,490.

  1. 西班牙语

近 五分之一 美国人认为自己是西班牙裔或拉丁裔, 西班牙语是世界上使用最广泛的五大语言之一. 更重要的是, many communications majors will find that the ability to speak 西班牙语 is a must for certain career paths or job opportunities.

学习西班牙语也可以改善你的个人生活. 你可以去西班牙语国家旅游,享受那里的文化, 食物, 网站也很方便. 另外, knowing 西班牙语 will come in handy if you decide to start a business venture abroad or expand a business you've already started in the United States to include clients in 西班牙语-speaking nations.

  1. 心理学

A minor in psychology could be ideal for communications majors who are considering becoming social workers or working with a non-profit or educational service. 然而, psychology isn't just about teaching or working with people who are experiencing mental health issues.

Marketers need a working knowledge of human psychology in order to create winning brand designs and advertisements. Those who work in a human resources department would do well to know how to handle people of all ages and walks of life. 心理学知识对你的个人生活也有好处, 帮助你建立牢固的婚姻和与孩子的关系, 朋友, 家庭成员.

  1. 英语

你将学习的主题 辅修英语可以包括教英语作为第二语言, 创意写作, 信息性写作. Pairing a communications major with an 英语 minor can be an ideal course of action for those who want to teach 英语 as a second language or pursue a career in journalism, 编辑, 甚至是社交媒体管理. 它还可以打开与市场营销和广告相关领域的职业道路.

A good knowledge of 英语 will serve you well no matter which career path you choose. 它将使你写出一篇引人入胜的文章, 错误的简历, 给客户写专业的电子邮件, 业务合作伙伴, 以及潜在的雇主, 和/或为企业创建伟大的网站内容.

  1. 沟通 设计

沟通 design can open some amazing career opportunities that anyone with a creative bent will want to take advantage of. 常见的 工作的选择 include working as a graphic designer, art director, illustrator, or events planner. 然而, more exciting roles available to people with the right skillset and degree include working as a multimedia artist, 动画师, 或者时装设计师.

辅修通信设计是对通信专业的补充, giving you an advantage over other prospective job candidates when applying for a job in a field related to marketing, 广告, 以及推广服务. It can also help you create a successful online company by enabling you to craft a winning brand design and online advertisements.

辅修课程绝对值得. A minor shows you are serious about your professional career and personal development, 让你比其他只有专业的求职者更有优势. A minor can also help you switch career options with ease, a must in today's volatile job market. 此外, it provides you with additional skills to help you succeed in the career path of your choice.


bwin体育大学 is a fully accredited college offering a range of online and offline courses along with internship opportunities to help you master the field of your choice. 它被美国商bwin体育评为十大最有价值的学校之一.S. News and World Report and has been recognized as a College of Distinction for its ACBSP accredited business programs.

欲了解bwin体育bwin体育如何帮助您获得美国大学学位 传播学学位,bwin体育 通过电子邮件 或致电855-979-5563. We look forward to providing you with the practical skills and knowledge you need to make your dreams come true.

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