Noyce资助职前K-12 STEM教育工作者 - bwin体育大学-bwin体育

Noyce资助职前K-12 STEM教育工作者

Noyce K-12 STEM职前教育工作者补助金图片
大学招生 金融援助 项目关注的焦点

To encourage students to enter STEM education, Geneva is offering the Noyce Grant. There are many education facilities that are in high need of STEM educators for grades K-12 grade. 这项资助的目的是为学生在攻读STEM学位期间提供经济援助和稳定. 希望借此打开学生们的思维,让他们认识到在未来的职业生涯中利用STEM学位教育K-12年级学生的可能性.

在五年的时间里, Geneva will recruit and retain 22 Geneva students who are majoring in biology, chemistry, 工程, math, 获得诺伊斯奖的物理学奖. 这意味着每学年有四到五名学生被录取. 除了每个学生的STEM专业, 学生们必须把中等教育列入他们的学习计划. Students will be well equipped to teach STEM subjects in a K-12 school district, 从而获得有条件奖学金(最高14美元),000 per year for two years) from the National Science Foundation under the Robert Noyce Grant. 在接受, 每个学生都必须在毕业后承诺在高需求学区任教四年,以获得诺伊斯补助金的贷款.

bwin体育bwin体育教务长,化学教授. 1993年的梅琳达·斯蒂芬斯说, “这个项目的引入符合bwin体育使命的核心,即装备学生为上帝和邻居服务. 这也符合bwin体育的战略计划, 通过专注于提高学生的保留率和完成度, 增加对学生的经济支持, and better connecting students’ academic experience with their chosen vocation. 学生们将有能力去真正需要他们的地方,并通过在当地服务产生影响.”

为了让每个学生为他们面前的工作做好准备, the curriculum will be modified to incorporate three education classes. 通过结合这三个教育课程, each student will be drawn to the importance of recognizing teaching with poverty. This not only helps the students build a philosophy of education, but it will also inform each students’ attitudes and beliefs about systemic and generational poverty. 这将全面制定教学策略和课堂管理策略,为所有学生的学习过程提供支撑.

诺伊斯助学金的另一个组成部分是确保被招募的学生参与STEM学习和教育方面的研究. 内容领域的研究将因学生而异, 但是在教育方面, all of the grant scholars will participate in tutoring projects face to face, 以及使用一个新创建的应用程序叫做 CircleIn. 加上教育研究, the scholars will create a survey to collect data on the attitudes, beliefs, and customs of successful teaching in high-needs school districts.

新布莱顿学区的教师和bwin体育bwin体育的教授每年将举行四次关于STEM学科教学的小组讨论,这将有助于挽留这些STEM学者. 这些讨论将涉及教师面临的问题和解决这些问题的方法,以便bwin体育的学生在毕业后为进入教学领域做好更好的准备.

诺伊斯的学者们在离开bwin体育后的两年内,将定期与他们在bwin体育的教授进行视频会议. 新教师将把他们的教学视频片段发送给bwin体育的导师,这样他们就可以得到关于他们进步的反馈. 由bwin体育的教授指导诺伊斯奖学金获得者从毕业到第一年的教学, the hope is to retain these newly established STEM educators through the provision of extra feedback, 鼓励和持续不断的有用资源.

The writers of this grant are the Principal Investigator, Geneva professor, Dr. Adel Aiken, and Co-Principal Investigators, professors at Geneva, Mrs. 凯西·奥斯汀,化学,和先生. 艾德·丹巴赫,数学. Austin和Dambach特别适合撰写这项资助,因为他们在高中水平教学多年,有第一手的经验可以与bwin体育的学生分享. 其他将帮助研究活动和协作专业发展圈的共同主要研究员是博士. 罗德尼·奥斯汀和马乔里·托拜厄斯教授. 来自教育部的教授将成为这些将获得诺伊斯资助的学者的导师和导师. Deana Mack博士. Karen Schmalz和michael Wargo教授.

在诺伊斯·格兰特成立后, bwin体育大学 announces the first five scholars for the 2020-2021 school year. bwin体育bwin体育大三学生 了克莱默 (中学数学); 艾米McAfoose (中学数学); Dionna皮尔斯 (中学数学); 佩顿席尔 (中等教育数学)及高级 艾米丽·沙特尔沃斯 (Double Majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Math Education). By the time each student graduates, they will all be certified to teach Math, grades 7-12 grade.

Dionna皮尔斯, Junior at Geneva, is majoring in Mathematics with Secondary Education. 从四年级开始,她就想成为一名教师. In school, Dionna’s teachers motivated her to try harder and to do her best. 这激发了她成为其他学生的动力. Dionna州, “我希望能激励我未来的学生,鼓励他们尽最大努力,即使他们不喜欢某门学科. I know that many of my future students will most likely have a negative view on math, but I hope that I can make the material engaging and change those negative viewpoints.” After graduating, Dionna’s plan is to find a teaching position in a public school.

大三的艾米·麦卡福斯主修中学数学教育. 结合了她对数学的热情和热爱, it was clear to Amy that she should study Secondary Math Education. 即使不考虑慷慨的经济援助, 这个项目举办研讨会, research, and activities that Amy hopes will enable her to be a better educator in the future. 艾米期待着她将在整个项目过程中获得的经验和知识. 尽管未来还不明朗, 她渴望在一所高中教书,并向学生们展示她在他们生活的每一个方面都真正关心他们. “I cannot think of a more fulfilling career than being able to impact young people and help them grow. It is my goal to learn as much as possible in order to become a better educator for my future students, 我相信这笔拨款会帮助我做到这一点.”

佩顿席尔 is a Junior at Geneva, currently enrolled as a math education major. Peyton chose teaching so that he could have the chance to change someone else’s life for the better, being a role model for his student and giving them guidance when needed. 在诺伊斯基金的帮助下, Peyton feels like a heavy financial weight has been lifted off his back. 他很感激被选为这项资助的对象. “After graduation, I hope to be teaching some place but where that is, I’m not sure. 上帝对我有一个我还没想明白的计划, 但我还不急着去理解这个计划.”

艾米丽·沙特尔沃斯 is a senior, double majoring in mechanical 工程 and math education. Emily选择了工程专业,因为她喜欢解决问题,并且对一份能够挑战她精神的职业感兴趣. However, 她一生都在帮助人们理解各种学科,今年夏天她增加了数学教育专业,因为她真正的激情一直是教书. The Noyce Grant has been an answer to prayer from the moment it became a possibility for her. 艾米丽本来打算在大学多上一个学期来完成她的工程学位,但她不知道该如何支付学费. 除了财务, the Noyce Grant has given her the opportunity to answer the calling God has for her. “我一点也不知道,他一直在用我的整个大学经历和我的所有参与来指引我,让我现在获得诺伊斯·格兰特. That is, to whatever school district needs my help after graduation. I don't have a specific plan; I will go where God sends me.”

就像任何一个大学生一样, 一个人在自己选择的领域接受教育的自由可能与他们的经济现实不一致. In order to pursue a quality college education, a student must have a level of monetary stability. 正因为如此,bwin体育bwin体育为所有对其特定领域的教育感兴趣的STEM专业学生提供了获得这项新设立的诺伊斯补助金的可能性.

To learn more about how pre-service teacher preparation at bwin体育大学, contact 招生 at or 800-847-8255.


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