Sport Management Bachelor’s Degree | Geneva College-bwin体育

BS Major • Minor

Sport Management


bwin体育bwin体育的体育管理学士学位课程将您对体育的热情与成功职业所需的基本商业专业知识相结合. 课程由经验丰富的专业人士根据基督教原则授课, 你培养你的道德决策和领导能力的成长-在这个充满活力的领域鼓励和服务上帝和邻居的关键因素.

Build a strong network both on and off the field.

Learn from Experts


Top-notch Business Education


Practical Knowledge for Future Work


Sports Management Courses for Career-Readiness

Sport in American Culture

Why is baseball America’s pastime? Why is football so popular? In this course, 你通过基督教的视角来分析体育社会学, 拓宽你对青少年体育等话题的理解, women’s sports, and the connection between sports and the economy

Legal Issues in Sport

Learn about liability, negligence, risk, contracts, 当你研究体育和商业的交集时,你会发现更多

Coaching Effectiveness

In this course, bwin体育一位经验丰富的校队教练通过训练中的实践经验教授教练的哲学——包括其挑战和要求, conditioning, and recruitment practices

Governance and Organization of Sport

当你了解规则时,仔细看看管理体育的机构, organization, administration, and labor relations within the growing world of sports

Experienced & Accomplished Faculty

体育管理专业目前由体育管理专业组成, a Sport Coaching minor, and a Sport Management minor. 此外,一个强大的体育实习/实习项目正在创建.


  1. 在美国,体育教练行业是一个价值150亿美元的行业. U.S. based coach
    practitioners make over $60,000 per year. Per the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, 体育产业有20%的增长率,大约有245个,000 jobs.
  2. The global sports market is expected to grow from $354.96 billion in 2021 to $623.到2027年,中国市场的年复合增长率(CAGR)为5.0%. 

Based on these statistics, 体育产业为学生提供了多种机会,并且是一个在体育相关领域提供大量工作的增长行业. 


  1. 学生应该能够展示各种业务功能领域的概念知识.
  2. Students should be able to carry out problem analysis, synthesis, and evaluation utilizing the appropriate techniques, technical applications, and principles to develop business plans and solutions. 

Career Outcomes

According to U.S. News & 世界报告,前25%的体育教练平均年薪60400美元. Based on this statistic, 体育产业为学生提供了多种机会, dominating the labor market as a growth industry. 获得体育管理学位可以让你在做自己喜欢的事情的同时回馈社区. With sports industry occupations growing, you can coordinate events for your hometown, start a sports marketing campaign, 或者执教一支能把金牌带回家的球队——这是你的选择.


The U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,到2031年,娱乐和体育职业将增长13%.


As the current workforce retires, the U.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,未来十年将有超过95,000个新职位空缺.

“I'm thankful for the professors and staff, particularly in Business and Sport Management, 谁能清楚地表现出对该领域的理解,并深切关心学生的成功. 我在职业生涯中迈出的每一步都是bwin体育提供的机会的结果,我很感激在那里度过了四年.” - Ashley, graduate

Be prepared for careers such as...

  • Athletic Administrator
  • Athletic Director
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Coach
  • Game Day/Event Coordinator
  • Guest Relations Manager
  • Sports Agent
  • Sports Marketing Manager
  • Sports Writer
  • Youth Sports Coordinator

Expand Your Capabilities and Your Community Impact:

  • 获得运动科学、体育产业管理或你的专业的硕士学位 Master of Business Administration (MBA) to strengthen your marketability.
  • 通过获得体育管理方面的证书来提升你的专业经验, sports marketing, or recruiting.
  • 与特殊奥林匹克或推石等组织合作,通过体育事工为他人服务.

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